31 August 2010

20 Things That Make My Smile Wider

Certain things in life make me smile...a lot. This is a short list of 20 things that make my smile a wee bit wider. I'm especially vulnerable to words, being a "words of affirmation" kind of girl and all. So here's a little list if things that have literally melted my heart lately...

1. After spending 2 and a half weeks together and an 18-hour-drive across the United States, my 5-year-old niece, Summer, said, "At what time are we going to see you next, Wissa?"
2. A random text from someone who "just wants to check in."
3. A warm hug.
4. The fact that my 7-year-old niece, Kenzie, didn't care about going to Kenya as much as she did about scheduling their next sleepover/party time at my house.
5. Caramel chocolate chip brownies.
6. A long e-mail.
7. Wisconsin cheese.
8. Iced mochas and extra hot Pumpkin Spiced Lattes from Starbucks.
9. Taking photos.
10. Taking photos with a $3500 borrowed camera.
11. Travelling and dreaming of sailing from Greece to Italy.
12. Singing at the top of my lungs until my voice is hoarse.
13. Walking into my old office and spending an hour longer there than intended because everyone wants to see me.
14. Art stores that buy my artwork.
15. Friends who travel to Wisconsin to eat cheese, ride combines, ride canoes, and visit dairy farms.
16. Dancing.
17. Long walks and long talks.
18. Snow lightly falling from the sky and thunderstorms.
19. Hearing "Lissa", "Wissa", "AhMissa", or "Sissa" from my nieces and nephews.
20. Life and its unexpected surprises and blessings.

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