31 August 2010

The White Pony: A Children's Book that Adults Should Read

Did you love reading stories when you were little? Maybe you were a little book nerd like me and read until the wee hours of the night and only stopped because Mom peeked into the room to say that you should go to bed? And maybe all of that reading forced you to get glasses in third grade?

Well, here's your chance to read a fantabulous children's book that also shares The Gospel. Who'da thunk it?

The White Pony is an amazingly heartwarming story about a young brave who decides he would like to find a wife. (Run, get a tissue before you start reading this book. Promise me. You'll thank me later.)

Here's the Cliff Notes version. But you know Cliff Notes are cheating so STOP READING NOW and go get this book. Whew! Glad that's off my mind...

OK, so this old Native American woman tells the story of "the strongest brave in our village" and his quest to choose a bride. He had a large heart and silently observed every woman in the tribe. He saw the most beautiful girl. He saw the smartest. He saw the most adept at gathering food. But none stirred his heart. Until, that is, he saw Forget-Me-Not. He observed her taking care of babies and serving others with a quiet, gentle spirit. He fell in love and went to her father to ask for her hand in marriage and negotiated a bride price.

"This one is not beautiful, nor does she know where to find hidden fruit. One pony is enough" her father decided. But girls in the tribe gossiped about the low bride price and the brave sought out the biggest bride-price paid in the history of the tribe. And the brave quietly gathered and traded for 20 ponies PLUS his favorite pony; the white pony, the finest the people had ever seen.

Well - and this is where you might shed some tears - he went to "collect his bride" with the 21 ponies and declared, "My bride is worth more than all the others in the history of The People."  And, "Her husband prized her enough to give up all he had, not because she could offer him anything, but because he loved her."


Another big sigh.

And as the author says, "The story of the white pony is really like the story of God's great love for me. Just like the brave, God gave everything He had for us, including His most beloved, Jesus Christ. Why? Because He loves me and wants to be with me forever."

So I promise...if you come and stay at my house, I will have a special storytime. You know, for when you stay in my guest room. Sadly, this book is out of print and I have the only known copy. So, you've GOT to come and visit me...

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